Saturday, 26 December 2020
RELEASE BLITZTitle: ConnectionA Temptation Series Standalone NovelAuthor: K.M. Golland
Saturday, 21 November 2020
New Release - The Dark Prince of Albany By Rachel M Raithby
The Dark Prince of Albany Book 3
Please note to best understand Grayson's story you need to read books 1 & 2 in the Albany Nightingale Series.
Book Links
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Book 1 & 2 Links
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Extract 1
I don’t register my surroundings or the students of Albany staring as they walk past. All I see is her—her too-sad eyes, her fire dying a little more each second, and I’d needed to do something to fan the flames.
I’d kiss her for eternity if it were the only way to breathe life back into her soul.
Because her light can’t die. The world needs Sierra’s untamed spirit.
I need her untamed spirit.
She has wrapped her fire around my heart, thawed it from its frozen sleep and without it, I’ll be right back at the start.
A dark prince sitting on his lonely throne, never truly understanding what it means to live.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” Sierra whispers, her gaze flickering to those around us.
“Why not?” I’ve never said the words, but I know Sierra knows I feel them. I don’t care if the entire city knows she’s mine. In fact, I’d rather they know; it will save me having to dig up dirt on the hundreds of guys who will think they have a shot with her.
“Because everyone is staring,” she hisses below her breath. “And I was hoping to get through my time here under the radar.”
“Baby, you messed up that plan the second you rolled through those gates on a skateboard looking like every guy’s secret wet dream.”
She looks over my shoulder. “We should go. Ashton and Rose are waiting for us.”
Shifting my stance, I slide my hand into Sierra’s, pleased she doesn’t pull away, and greet my stepbrother’s cocky smile with one of my own. Rose’s expression is harder to read though. It’s not jealousy on her face… protectiveness maybe… concern.
What happened between us before she got together with my brother has been left permanently in the past. There are no more sexual ties between Rose and me, yet our time together bound us in a way not many would understand.
Rose was the first person I lowered my guard down with. I let her have a little of my heart. She’s my best friend, and I know if I ever need her, she’ll be there.
But I’m beginning to worry she doesn’t see my relationship with Sierra as a good thing. And while I trust Rose with many things, she also has a tendency to take matters into her own hands.
She is queen of this school, after all, and ruling those who’ve been brought up to see everyone else as beneath them isn’t a job for the weak.
I flash her a smirk, get an eye roll in return.
I’ll be keeping a close eye on you.
Sensing Sierra’s apprehension as we approach our table, I give her hand a gentle squeeze. Looking up, she meets my eyes, silently asking me not to let go, and as the others surround us, I lean forward, kiss her cheek before whispering my reply in her ear, “I’ve got you, baby, always.”
“So, Sierra, tell me, how did you manage to do what no other girl has achieved before?” Rose’s friend, Camilla asks, much to the delight of the other girls around her.
Narrowing my gaze at Camilla, a threat is about to slip from my lips when Rose steps in—the ever-dutiful queen keeping peace in her kingdom.
“Now, Now, Cam. Play nice. We all know I was the one who house-trained the dark prince. Sierra’s just reaping the benefits.”
“I’m not a freaking pet,” I grumble.
Sierra watches our exchange with quiet confusion.
“Do you talk?” Porsha scoffs, her friendly smile doing nothing to mask her words.
I cast Rose a pleading look for help. Her mouth opens to answer when Sierra shocks us into silence.
“I was waiting for the conversation to become worth my attention. And for the record, Grayson isn’t house-trained. Let’s just say my tastes tend to veer on the side of bad not good.” Shifting toward me, she turns my face to meet hers. “Cafeteria this way?” she asks, pointing behind her.
I’m so shocked all I can do is nod stupidly.
She kisses me, rough and possessive. “Good, I’m starving.”
Watching as she saunters away, I swallow loudly, sure I’m hallucinating. It’s one thing knowing your girl is no pushover but seeing her in action is a whole different story. It’s captivating and one hell of a turn on, but underneath that lives worry, because while Sierra put on a good show, I know beneath all that spunk she’s slowly crumbling. Desperately holding onto the fraying threads of her sanity.
Extract 2
I’m not sure what it is about him that made me pause. The way he’s dressed makes him stick out like a sore thumb, but it wasn’t the expensive-looking suit or shiny shoes which drew me near. It was the way he seemed totally unaware of his surroundings, how he was 100 percent focused on the gate in front of him. The haunted shadows in his dark eyes were obvious as I’d skated out behind a car leaving the cemetery. He didn’t notice when I stopped or hopped off my board and stepped up onto the pavement. He was aware of only the gate and the secret demons he was battling.
I have enough problems of my own to contend with; I don’t need to take on a stranger’s troubles as well. Yet my mouth had opened as I’d paused, gaining his attention, and when he smiles, all cunning and mischief, I know in my gut the guy before me is bad to the bone. He’s the type to charm his way into my pants and leave me pleasured and drunk on lust.
The kind I like the most.
He wants only one thing, and it has nothing to do with my heart.
“Want to get lost, huh? I could maybe help with that.” I eye him from head to toe. From his dark, chocolate eyes, to his styled almost-black hair, he’s the devil pretending to be an angel.
He eyes me with wicked intent, and anticipation swirls through my blood as I envision the fun we are about to have. Grayson Bishop has no idea what he’s getting himself into. He’s in my playground now.
After all, I spend every minute of every day waiting for my next hit of adrenaline. Waiting for that moment when I’m airborne, a board beneath my feet, heart in my throat, or when the ocean is roaring in my ears and I’m riding a wave lost in a land of blue. From sunset to sundown I live for these moments, for when the realities of my crappy life seem nothing but a speck on the horizon.
“Really?” He eyes my mouth and wets his bottom lip. Heat pools in my stomach; I know exactly what he wants but first I’m going to make him work for it. There’s nothing I love more than shaking the foundations on which bad boys live.
Running a finger down his cheek, I ask softly, “Do you know how to skate, city boy?” Leaning back, he eyes me skeptically, before taking in the skateboard under my arm with a fearful gaze. Laughing, I take his hand and tug him forward down the street. “Grayson, baby, I’ve so much to show you. But first we need to get you out of that stuffy suit.”
About the Author
Rachel M. Raithby started her writing career in 2013 and hasn't looked back. She draws her inspiration from the many places she has lived and traveled, as well as from her love of the paranormal and thriller movies. She can often be found hiding out with a good book or writing more fast-paced and thrilling stories where love always conquers all. A Brit who left the UK in 2008, she resides in a quiet town in New Zealand, with her 4 children.
Connect with Rachel here:
Her books include best-selling YA Fantasy New Dawn novels & Adult Paranormal Romance The Deadwood Hunter series.
Thursday, 19 November 2020
Cover Reveal - The Dark Prince of Albany (Albany Nightingale Duet Book 3) by Rachel M Raithby
Cover Love for Rachel M Raithby's
The Dark Prince of Albany - Release date November 22nd 2020
Please note to best understand Grayson's story you need to read books 1 & 2 in the Albany Nightingale Series.
You first met him in The Destruction of Rose, and now Albany Nightingale’s sexiest bad boy gets his own say. Events from the first two books changed Grayson, but the road to redemption isn’t always easy and as Grayson is about to find out—Neither is the road to love.
Book Links
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Book 1 & 2 Links
Extract 1
I don’t register my surroundings or the
students of Albany staring as they walk past. All I see is her—her
too-sad eyes, her fire dying a little more each second, and I’d needed to do
something to fan the flames.
I’d kiss her for eternity if it were the
only way to breathe life back into her soul.
Because her light can’t die. The world
needs Sierra’s untamed spirit.
I need her untamed spirit.
She has wrapped her fire around my heart,
thawed it from its frozen sleep and without it, I’ll be right back at the
A dark prince sitting on his lonely throne,
never truly understanding what it means to live.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” Sierra whispers,
her gaze flickering to those around us.
“Why not?” I’ve never said the words, but I
know Sierra knows I feel them. I don’t care if the entire city knows she’s
mine. In fact, I’d rather they know; it will save me having to dig up dirt on
the hundreds of guys who will think they have a shot with her.
“Because everyone is staring,” she hisses
below her breath. “And I was hoping to get through my time here under the
“Baby, you messed up that plan the second
you rolled through those gates on a skateboard looking like every guy’s secret
wet dream.”
She looks over my shoulder. “We should go.
Ashton and Rose are waiting for us.”
Shifting my stance, I slide my hand into
Sierra’s, pleased she doesn’t pull away, and greet my stepbrother’s cocky smile
with one of my own. Rose’s expression is harder to read though. It’s not
jealousy on her face… protectiveness maybe… concern.
What happened between us before she got
together with my brother has been left permanently in the past. There are no
more sexual ties between Rose and me, yet our time together bound us in a way
not many would understand.
Rose was the first person I lowered my
guard down with. I let her have a little of my heart. She’s my best friend, and
I know if I ever need her, she’ll be there.
But I’m beginning to worry she doesn’t see
my relationship with Sierra as a good thing. And while I trust Rose with many
things, she also has a tendency to take matters into her own hands.
She is queen of this school, after all, and
ruling those who’ve been brought up to see everyone else as beneath them isn’t
a job for the weak.
I flash her a smirk, get an eye roll in
I’ll be keeping a close eye on you.
Sensing Sierra’s apprehension as we
approach our table, I give her hand a gentle squeeze. Looking up, she meets my
eyes, silently asking me not to let go, and as the others surround us, I lean
forward, kiss her cheek before whispering my reply in her ear, “I’ve got you,
baby, always.”
“So, Sierra, tell me, how did you manage to
do what no other girl has achieved before?” Rose’s friend, Camilla asks, much
to the delight of the other girls around her.
Narrowing my gaze at Camilla, a threat is
about to slip from my lips when Rose steps in—the ever-dutiful
queen keeping peace in her kingdom.
“Now, Now, Cam. Play nice. We all know I
was the one who house-trained the dark prince. Sierra’s just reaping the
“I’m not a freaking pet,” I grumble.
Sierra watches our exchange with quiet
“Do you talk?” Porsha scoffs, her friendly
smile doing nothing to mask her words.
I cast Rose a pleading look for help. Her
mouth opens to answer when Sierra shocks us into silence.
“I was waiting for the conversation to
become worth my attention. And for the record, Grayson isn’t house-trained.
Let’s just say my tastes tend to veer on the side of bad not good.” Shifting
toward me, she turns my face to meet hers. “Cafeteria this way?” she asks,
pointing behind her.
I’m so shocked all I can do is nod
She kisses me, rough and possessive. “Good,
I’m starving.”
Watching as she saunters away, I swallow
loudly, sure I’m hallucinating. It’s one thing knowing your girl is no pushover
but seeing her in action is a whole different story. It’s captivating and one hell of a turn on,
but underneath that lives worry, because while Sierra put on a good show, I
know beneath all that spunk she’s slowly crumbling. Desperately holding onto
the fraying threads of her sanity.
Extract 2
I’m not sure what it is about him that made
me pause. The way he’s dressed makes him stick out like a sore thumb, but it
wasn’t the expensive-looking suit or shiny shoes which drew me near. It was the
way he seemed totally unaware of his surroundings, how he was 100 percent
focused on the gate in front of him. The haunted shadows in his dark eyes were
obvious as I’d skated out behind a car leaving the cemetery. He didn’t notice
when I stopped or hopped off my board and stepped up onto the pavement. He was
aware of only the gate and the secret demons he was battling.
I have enough problems of my own to contend
with; I don’t need to take on a stranger’s troubles as well. Yet my mouth had
opened as I’d paused, gaining his attention, and when he smiles, all cunning
and mischief, I know in my gut the guy before me is bad to the bone. He’s the
type to charm his way into my pants and leave me pleasured and drunk on lust.
The kind I like the most.
He wants only one thing, and it has nothing
to do with my heart.
“Want to get lost, huh? I could maybe help
with that.” I eye him from head to toe. From his dark,
chocolate eyes, to his styled almost-black hair, he’s the devil pretending to
be an angel.
He eyes me with wicked intent, and
anticipation swirls through my blood as I envision the fun we are about to
have. Grayson Bishop has no idea what he’s getting himself into. He’s in my
playground now.
After all, I spend every minute of every
day waiting for my next hit of adrenaline. Waiting for that moment when I’m
airborne, a board beneath my feet, heart in my throat, or when the ocean is
roaring in my ears and I’m riding a wave lost in a land of blue. From sunset to
sundown I live for these moments, for when the realities of my crappy life seem
nothing but a speck on the horizon.
“Really?” He eyes my mouth and wets his
bottom lip. Heat pools in my stomach; I know exactly what he wants but first
I’m going to make him work for it. There’s nothing I love more than shaking the
foundations on which bad boys live.
Running a finger down his cheek, I ask softly, “Do you know how to skate, city boy?” Leaning back, he eyes me skeptically, before taking in the skateboard under my arm with a fearful gaze. Laughing, I take his hand and tug him forward down the street. “Grayson, baby, I’ve so much to show you. But first we need to get you out of that stuffy suit.”
About the Author
Rachel M. Raithby started her writing career in 2013 and hasn't looked back. She draws her inspiration from the many places she has lived and traveled, as well as from her love of the paranormal and thriller movies. She can often be found hiding out with a good book or writing more fast-paced and thrilling stories where love always conquers all. A Brit who left the UK in 2008, she resides in a quiet town in New Zealand, with her 4 children.Connect with Rachel here:
Her books include best-selling YA Fantasy New Dawn novels & Adult Paranormal Romance The Deadwood Hunter series.
Thursday, 3 September 2020
Book Lovers Unite for World Suicide Prevention Day 2020
Book Lovers Unite for World Suicide Prevention Day 2020
September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day. Authors, readers, and bloggers are uniting again his year to fight stigma, spread mental health awareness, and support the prevention of suicide. To encourage participation, we're giving away a $50 Amazon gift card and a Book Lovers Unite for World Suicide Prevention Day t-shirt to one lucky winner.
Two kinds of stigma continue to persist: public stigma and self-stigma. Public stigma occurs when other people view a person with a mental illness in a negative way. Public stigma feeds into self-stigma when people with mental illness internalize the negative talk they hear from others.
Well-meaning people say things like, "Suck it up," "Choose to be happy," "Turn that frown upside down," or "Focus on your blessings," as if mental illness were a mood, a frame of mind, or an attitude that can simply be overcome at will.
Often, people who suffer from mental illness blame themselves instead of seeking help. Just as a diabetic needs insulin, a person with mental illness may need treatment.
People who contemplate suicide don't want to die; they just can't fathom how to live because they are so miserable. They can't see past their pain and misery, and they see no point in going on.
According to the International Association for Suicide Prevention, "Every year, suicide is among the top 20 leading causes of death globally for people of all ages. It is responsible for over 800,000 deaths, which equates to one suicide every 40 seconds."
IASP explains that "[e]very life lost represents someone’s partner, child, parent, friend or colleague. For each suicide approximately 135 people suffer intense grief or are otherwise affected. This amounts to 108 million people per year who are profoundly impacted by suicidal behaviour. Suicidal behaviour includes suicide, and also encompases suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. For every suicide, 25 people make a suicide attempt and many more have serious thoughts of suicide."
If you're contemplating suicide, please don't do it! Instead, seek help. You might be suffering now, but you never know what tomorrow brings. Reach out to a friend or family member. See a doctor. If that doctor doesn't help, try another. Please don't give up.
If you're in crisis, please reach out to the toll-free hotline in your region. You can find your hotline here:
If you are grieving the death of a victim of suicide and need help, here are resources that can help:
If you suspect that someone you know may be contemplating suicide, please reach out. We often hesitate because we're afraid we might make things worse by saying the wrong thing. According to IASP, "Evidence suggests that this is not the case. The offer of support and a listening ear are more likely to reduce distress, as opposed to exacerbating it."
Warning signs to look for include severe anxiety, agitation, hopelessness, rage, feelings of being trapped, a strong urge for vengeance, engaging in risky activities, excessive alcohol and/or drug use, withdrawing from people, trouble sleeping, and dramatic mood changes.
Book lovers from all over the world have joined together to share their stories and spread mental health awareness. Please follow this tour guide to find our posts and to enter our giveaway for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card and a Book Lovers Unite for World Suicide Prevention Day 2020 t-shirt:
From September 1-10, enter for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card and a Book Lovers Unite for World Suicide Prevention Day t-shirt. There are lots of ways to enter below--choose one or all. You can also tweet daily for extra entries. We'll email the winner by September 11th.
[Here is the html for the giveaway:]
<a class="rcptr" href="" rel="nofollow" data-raflid="72abbf8f39" data-theme="classic" data-template="" id="rcwidget_l5f81k3j">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>
<script src=""></script>
[Or use this link:]
1. On September 10th at 8 p.m. your time, light a candle to remember all those we have lost to suicide and to represent the hope of preventing suicide. People all over the world will be participating. You can send an ecard in 63 different languages to invite others to participate. Find the ecards here.
2. Purchase a Book Lovers Unite for World Suicide Prevention Day 2020 for $20. For every shirt sold, five dollars is donated to the International Association for Suicide Prevention. Order yours here.
3. Spread the word about this giveaway, to encourage more people to read our posts and tweet about overcoming stigma. Use the share buttons at the bottom of this post, and
Click to tweet: #EntertoWin a $50 #giftcard and #Tshirt while fighting #stigma and spreading #mentalhealthawareness for #suicideprevention #WSPD.
Here are videos on suicide and mental helath that I have found to be helpful:
The Bridge Between Suicide and Life
You're Still Here: Living After Suicide
Monday, 22 June 2020
Review blitz: Sexy With Attitude Too: An Opposites Attract, Enemies to Lovers, Small Town RomCom by Emily James
Friday, 27 March 2020
The Resurrection of Us by Rachel M. Raithby
The Resurrection of Us
Albany Nightingale Duet, Book 2 by Rachel M. Raithby Publication Date: March 27, 2020 Genres: Mature Young Adult, Bully Romance
The Destruction of Rose
Albany Nightingale Duet, Book 1 by Rachel M. Raithby Publication Date: January 11, 2020 Genres: Mature Young Adult, Bully Romance
About Rachel M. Raithby

Tuesday, 21 January 2020
Rachel M Raithby's Albany Nightingale Duet Book Blitz, #Revew #Excerpt #Giveaway
The Destruction of Rose
I think I’ve found it when I see Ashton Cole—my first crush, my first kiss—at my new school. But Ash isn’t who he used to be. He’s the king. And me… well, I’m not going down without a fight—even with the lies and secrets filling the school halls around us.
Please note this is a mature YA read and contains bullying/sex/bad language.
Kat's rating: 5 of 5 stars
Awesome - Rachels First foray into Contemporary has me impatiently waiting for more
This book grabs you and pulls you in. As you read about Rose's life and the changes and challenges she has to face, being the new girl in the elite school is not for the faint-hearted, just when Rose thought she'd be okay, life turns on her again. This book has twists and turns that keep you turning the page to find what happens next.
If you love books where love is complicated, status is coveted and revenge is best served cold, then get this book. I loved it. Rose has lots of decisions to face, will they be the right ones... Well maybe not, but they'll certainly make an impact.
View all Kat's reviews
The Resurrection of Us

About Rachel M. Raithby
Review - Faking It as the Maid by Emily James
Faking It as the Maid: A Fun and Sexy Romantic Comedy
A brand-new Rom Com with banter so HOT it’s better than foreplay.
Warning: FAKING IT AS THE MAID is a standalone RomCom that hits you right in the feels. Only hit BUY NOW if you are over 18 and can handle SEXY situations, TITILATING foreplay, and red-hot PASSION.
Buy Now

Kats rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book was the perfect choice for a light read while I was away with the family. The premise of the storyline had me expecting it to be a little predictable in the essence of the trope of poor girl falls for the rich guy but I was pleasantly surprised. I started reading and couldn't put it down
Avery has had a hard life so far, but she is determined not to fall into the slot society wants to put her in, living in the cheap and run-down estates of the UK, where the impoverished are forced to pay rent to greedy housing corporations who don't give a dam about the niceties of heating or working lifts (elevators).
Being an Expat who recently spent time in the UK and saw the huge changes that have occurred since I left, I felt this book had a really good grasp of how the poor are held back and are unable to get out of the poverty cycle.
I liked the way the author puts Avery and Ben into each other's paths and how each moment after gives the reader an unpredictable set of circumstance, pre-conceived ideas and fate that make both Ben and Avery learn about themselves and each other.
This is the first book of this author I have read and I will be checking more of her work soon
View all Kats reviews