This is a story of unspoken words and how loud they can be.
This is a story of unspoken words and how loud they can be.
Unspoken Words, an all-new emotional and moving novel from K.M. Golland is available now!
Connor Bourke and I met when we were twelve years old.
He was a quiet boy with so much to say and only one way to say it—through song.
He’d lost his best friend to cancer, so I showed him there was love and life in loss,
and to hold on to his memories, always.
Eloise Mitchell was a blazing fire when my world turned dark.
She’d shined so bright and burned so fierce that the wall
I’d built around myself simply melted to the ground at her feet.
We shared everything together:
Our first kiss,
first love,
first mistake,
and first regret.
She taught me to speak,
to forgive,
and to never forget.
Through his music, he could say all he needed to say except for, ‘I love you’.
I could never tell her those three words.
Yet, I knew he meant them, that he loved me beyond all measure, beyond time
… beyond a broken heart.
I loved her more than anything.
Our bond was unbreakable.
Our love was ever after.
But, then, we tend to destroy the ones we love most.
And all bonds break, especially when the heart is what holds them together.
Download your copy today!
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About K.M
Born and raised in Melbourne, Australia, K.M. Golland is a best-selling author with HarperCollins, and a ranty, married, mother of two who is quite happy to support a very healthy high heel obsession. A lover of rabbits, doughnuts, bridges, and cars, she traded her legal work for her love of writing and found her dream career.
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Kat's rating: 5 of 5 stars
From the beginning of the book, l connected with Ellie and Connor, maybe because I met my soul mate at 13... so I felt everything they went through, and then after a certain point, I had this little bit of doubt that Ms Golland was going to be putting my heart through the wringer... Can't say which point as I would spoil the whole thing but ever since I have been rooting for this couple to make it to their HEA.
There's been heartstopping moments, moments of joy... Moments of anger at the idiotic things teenage boys can do... This books got it all.
One passage which really connected with me was this one:
'The truth was, no one ever lost, and no one ever failed. Life was a string of achievements, whether great or small and if you chose to look forward you moved forward. Always. You found your purpose again and again.'
The ending... that was beautiful, its truthfulness, I sobbed buckets and as I sit here trying to write this review through tears.
Thank you Ms Golland for writing a story that was a truly emotional roller-coaster, for keeping to your vision and not letting anyone tell you what rules you have to stick too. I loved how I got to grow up with Connor and Ellie throughout their epic love story.
Everyone needs to read this book. It's one of my favourites of this year.
View all Kats reviews
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