Monday, 30 January 2017

☆ "This was the best damn book I've read this year!" ☆ Lila Rose's highly anticipated romantic comedy "Making Changes" is releasing 27th February. #MakingChanges_Reveal #romcom #LilaRose

Author: Lila Rose
Title: Making Changes
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: February 27, 2017
Photographer: Wander Book Club
Cover Designer: Amity Cross

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Six years with my knight in shining armor.

Four years with my knight in dented armor

Two years with my knight in rusted armor

I, Makenzie Mayfair am leaving my husband.

This is my chance to begin again, to rip out my backbone and yell, “I’ve found it.” It may take time, it may take new friends, a job and even a jerk of a boss who is annoyingly handsome, but I will get there.

I’m determined to be who I want to be, and plan to have a whole heap of fun along the way.

I was born in Brisbane Australia, my step-dad was in the army which caused us to move around a lot. We finally settled in country Victoria, Australia. I am the youngest of four children and I can say that I was spoilt a bit. I drove my mum crazy when I refused to eat meat at a young age.

Now I live with my husband and two children, and I find myself regretting all the troubles I put my parents through because my monsters are just as picky as I was.

I started writing in 2013 and self-published the first of the Hawks MC Club series, Holding Out. The next to follow was something different, I wrote Senseless Attraction, a YA novel. Soon, I was back to the Hawks series with number two, Climbing Out. I have more to write in the series, but there will be also be more novels in the humorous erotica genre, like Left to Chance.

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Rachel M Raithby
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